Show Commentary

- It's another one for the OHP history books. It was a great run for Meshuggah Nuns! and we hope you had the opportunity to see the production. We heard many times that people can't imagine any Nuns better than our Nuns! I could be humble, but that's hard to do since I agree with them! With this being their fourth time in these characters they have things down pat. The audience can certainly see their dedication and enjoyment of these roles.

The fun part is that there is another Nunsense show in production right now, and our Nuns are already talking about when they can do it! It may be a while until the show is released for community theater, but Dan Goggin usually moves rapidly in making the shows available. We'll let you know as soon as plans are made.

In the mean time, I hope you enjoyed this show. If you missed it, talk to your neighbors who saw it, and find out what you missed.

- We're rolling into the final weekend for Meshuggah Nuns! The cast and crew have had the last two days off to recoup. Amazingly enough, some people were saying they didn't know what they were going to do with themselves, and that they would miss being with the rest of the group! That is often the case with these shows. You often become a family.

People also make the comment that they have seen the shows elsewhere done by professional troups, and that we do as well or better than the professional actors. This time is no different. We have already heard many of those types of comments. Personally, I think the quality of the shows is there because the people involved are doing for the love of theater. We also know that we only have six times to put the show in front of the public, and we give it our all each and every one of those times. Just over 600 people saw the show the first weekend. There should be plenty of people out there you can ask about the show if you want an independent review. Just don't wait too long to make your plans. We're ready to give you an evening of great entertainment. Come and enjoy!

*photos by Kim Becwar

- Opening night is now behind us! It was a great audience, and speaking as a cast member, it was a pleasure to hear their responses. It is nice to know that those lines that we enjoyed so much as we rehearsed were indeed something that the audience enjoyed as well. As is normally the case with a show of this type, there were many lines we had forgotten were funny until we performed them in front of an appreciative audience. Hearing the stories of people holding their sides, and complaining about cheeks that hurt from too much laughing at intermission served only to increase the energy level of an already energized cast. This is simply a funny and enjoyable show. Nothing complex about it. It will make you smile for weeks afterwards just thinking about certain scenes. Don't be one of those people who are wondering why a co-worker suddenly stares off in the distance and smiles. Come to Meshuggah Nuns! and be one of the ones that makes someone else wonder!

- It is official. We are now a show in search of an audience. Most of the final technical details were taken care of last night. Costumes are looking good. Orchestra is sounding great. Lights, sound and actors know their cues. Even the dance steps are coming along well.

To be sure, there are some final details we will work out tonight to make sure that everything goes as smoothly as it should. I'm also sure that there are a few details of expression and position that we could work on to make the show even better. There always is! What we need more than anything at this point in time, is an audience to enjoy all our hard work. The cast and crew are ready for you. Are you ready for Meshuggah Nuns!?

- As is usual for the final week of rehearsals, things are coming together very nicely. The to do lists are getting shorter. The set is looking very good. Costumes are coming along well. The actors are fine tuning songs, lines, and dance. The choreography for this show is wonderful. For me, that's saying something, and I have always had a bit more of a difficult time deciding whose foot I want to step on next. Diane Fisk has put together a set of dance steps that fit together so well that they just make sense. Because of that, they are beginning to look like they are natural and that they belong with the songs. I don't think I'll ever understand how people can do that, but it doesn't mean that I don't appreciate people who can! Kudo's to Diane, and be sure to tell her you think so too after you see the show. (You DO have your tickets don't you?)

Speaking of things I admire and have no clue how to accomplish myself, the costumes and props are coming together wonderfully. We have some specialty costumes in this show (you'll know them when you see them) that were manufactured without pattern, from just a visualization of how they should end up looking. Another set of Kudos to Barb Chandler, Victor Shaw, and all others involved that I don't even know about. There is a great deal of work that goes on behind the scenes for one of these shows. I've been on both sides of those efforts many times. Yes, it's the actors on stage that reap the benefit of the applause, but be sure that we all know that unless the show is performed in street clothes on a bare stage with no musical accompaniment, no light, and no sound amplification... that applause is for a great many more people than just those of us there taking the bows. Meshuggah Nuns! opens this Friday. See you there!

- Finally!!! We got the camera going last night. Not all the costumes are ready, and it's obvious that the set is undergoing its final work as well, but this will let you know there are actually people on the stage and working to get this show ready for you to see.

I won't tell you the stories behind the pictures. For that you'll have to come and see the show yourself. It is definitely worth the trip! Click here for a photo preview.

- Well we are definitely at that "crazy" area in the show production. Actors, production crew, and all involved are running on empty doing their utmost to make this another phenomenal show. Lots of details we want to take care of yet, and as a cast, lots of details we want to perfect to make the "experience" just perfect. That said, I must say that the show is coming along in true Nunsense style. If you liked the other shows, you're going to really enjoy this one. If you haven't seen "the Nuns" do their stuff before, don't miss this chance. They are right back into their characters.

Of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that I hope you'll enjoy Howard as well. There's got to be something interesting in watching a midwestern Christian play a New York born Polish Jew. Good seats are still available.

- I did indeed take some pictures the other night, but unfortunately, we didn't get it done during the actual rehearsal. At least this will let you know that we are working on set and the we have a production crew diligently working out the details. Click here for a short pictoral update. I'll continue to work to get some other pictures so that we can let you see a rehearsal in progress.

- Time is flying by! The orchestra has joined us and we are in full swing! There are some props to be gathered, some set work to be done, and a few songs to get our dance steps down for, but the show is falling together nicely. I did bring the camera over for pictures last night to update you on how things are looking. Before you get excited about pictures however, I'm sorry to report that we got busy enough that I forgot to take any! Such is the problem with putting a quality show together.

I would be remiss if I didn't let you know that lights and sound are already with us as well. We're working to get the balance down and the lighting perfect for all the effects that we'll need. Hopefully I'll have something next week for you in terms of pictures. Ticket sales are continuing at a steady pace. Don't put off purchasing your tickets. The theater is wonderful in the fact that every seat is good, but you'll want to be sure you get the seats you want!

- Rehearsals are in full swing. It's been a little difficult because of other upcoming events, to get our set to where we can work with it, but the crew has been hard at it making things and getting set ready for our use. Costumes (yes.. we need more than just habits!) are hard at it as well.

The further we get into this production, the more we are enjoying the humor, the songs, and the action. There are not only funny songs, but some very beautiful songs as well. The action, as usual for Nunsense shows, is non-stop. Thanks to all the supporting members who have been grabbing their tickets early! Public ticket sales begin next week, March 1st. The reminder cards are being printed and sent out. Watch for yours in the mail if you haven't already received one. If you don't get one and would like mail notification of our shows, email us at We'll get you on our mailing and/or email list!

- Ticket sales for Meshuggah Nuns! have officially begun for supporting members. Ticket sales to the general public begin on March 1st. Supporting members are already calling to grab the best seats, so if you are a supporting member or patron for the 2004-5 season, give a call and get your choice seats now!

Rehearsals continue to go well. We are getting the songs down pretty well, and we hit the stage this week with the beginnings of a set to work with. We're all anxious to get to the lines that make these shows so funny to both see and to be a part.

- Yes, we're still alive and very busy working on Meshuggah Nuns! Rehearsals are now in full swing. We're all getting used to our roles and learning songs. Meanwhile, the phone has already started to ring wondering when ticket sales will begin.

I can answer those questions right now. For supporting members, ticket sales begin on February 15th. Cards and emails will go out as reminders next week for those people. Sales to the general public will begin on March 1st.

As things continue to progress, I'll try to get a few pictures of a rehearsal online. That may be a bit more difficult this time since the Opera House will be used for a concert both on March 6th and March 19th. Because of this, we won't be able to put our set together until after that. Make note of those two dates however, as they will be events well worth attending. The Opera House Theater Board is sponsoring both events.


I thought I would take time to give you a quick update.   Meshuggah Nuns has moved to the front burner for the Opera House Players.   Director Jon Banse is busy working out the details in his head for this show.  Because the show is a small cast of returning regulars, all of whom are returning to reprise their roles, the show is pretty much already cast.   We're working on some final details of schedules and planning out the set work.   The Opera House is becoming busier and busier with an upcoming March 19th performance by the Wartburg Symphonic Band.   That will change our normal set construction time.  We're happy to see more and more events coming to the Elkader Opera House, however, and invite you to put the concert on your calendar.

As more information is finalized, I'll be releasing additional details about our upcoming show.  Stay tuned.   You won't want to miss it!

- Those wacky Nunsense nuns are back at it again.  This time on a cruise ship.   Our OHP nuns felt like they had at least one more show left in them, and you are going to be the beneficiary of the laughter.